How to draw a cartoon school children in the latest Corel DRAW

We say Welcome to solid simple web blog that seeks to convey the designer's knowledge through writing and videos already made. After yesterday's make a CARTOON ELEPHANT and also a CARTOON CHARACTER NARUO this time we will make tutorial CorelDRAW create cartoon schoolgirls.

Why don't we learn to make cartoon school, this because yesterday my friends for help to make the BANNER LIBRARY-because the library just for kids so kcil certainly in the banner shall be cartoon school children so that the banner was impressedlive and also make the children happy, because looking at the cute pictures. :).

How to make cartoon akak SD at CorelDraw. Here is the tutorial

1. open the Program CorelDraw you first and then create a new document, it's up to want to measure how much. Yes, depending on the needs. :D

2. in this tutorial we'll focus USING the PEN TOOL because we will make a lot of lines, you can read what our tuorial how to create lines in CorelDraw it when you are ready and able to make a lot of line, now it's time we start this tutorial.

3. we will begin making the face first, here sepertri I say we use the Pen Tool and then create a field like the picture below.

4. information on the part of others namely hair, here I am still using the Pen tool, note the following hair design drawings,

5. in the 2nd phase 5 we will solve part of his face that is shadow's face and eyes nose and also a mult

in the picture below we create shape eyes nose.

and after the combined results with corelDraw face design are as follows. very easy is not it.

6. go on part six we make hand, this hand parts we use to the right and the left are also both have similarities. do Copy paste then give effect mirror.

7. make a very easy in CorelDraw we just use the Pen Tool and draw it like this, do not forget to connect the other end of the line with the first lines are made to individual images we make we can give color the inside and also the outside or this line.

9. in order for the cartoon school children we make nicer, we add a tie we also design with pen tool in coreldraw.

10. While up here alone, for part of the pants and legs I'm sure you could make her own, as many of you are designers:).

If you are interested in drawing cartoons of SCHOOL CHILDREN in the latest Corel DRAW I share Templatenya which I will send to Email you


How to draw a cartoon school children in the latest Corel DRAW

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